  1. 客戶向 Oyster Pie Solutions Limited本公司)申請上述私人分期貸款。客戶確認各項資料均屬詳實。客戶明白及接受如提供任何不正確或虛假資料,客戶將可能觸犯香港特別行政區有關欺騙及/或虛假資料之刑事罪行。客戶並授權公司可向任何方面查證或索取更多資料,包括但不限於向任何信貸資料機構索取有關客戶之信貸資料以進行信貸審查。
  2. 同意公司可進行核對程序,例如對客戶任何人的資料作信貸審查或資料驗證而無論其目的是否對客戶作出不利行動。
  3. 客戶同意公司可使用任何信貸資料機構或公司所提供的資料與客戶所提供的資料作信貸審查,而公司可以使用任何信貸資料機構或公司所提供的資料驗證客戶所提供的資料。客戶同意公司可能會不時為客戶之貸款賬戶進行覆核,並向信貸資料機構或公司索取有關客戶之個人信貸報告作參考。
  4. 客戶確認其沒有被頒佈破產令,亦沒有向法院申請破產或意圖申請破產。客戶謹此聲明具償債能力,現時沒有涉及任何訴訟或行政程序,或此等待決事項。
  5. 客戶明白如有還款拖欠的情況出現,除非客戶能於欠款日起計 60 天內全數清償所有欠款,否則信貸資料機構將由全數清償欠款之日起計的 5 年內保留有關賬戶的資料。
  6. 客戶已得悉及明瞭公司之個人資料(私隱)條例的通知,及同意公司就該通知使用所有的個人資料。客戶授權公司可向任何信貸資料機構或提供債務追討服務之代理或實體披露所有的個人資料,並同意任何此等實體可在其業務範圍內使用此等資料。客戶須承擔公司每次僱用上述任何實體所引致之一切開支及費用。   
  7. 客戶明白為了向提供貸款之用途,公司可能會把客戶的個人資料轉移至香港境外,交予公司位於中國及/或海外的代理人、承包商、或向公司提供行政、專業意見、電訊、資料服務、電腦、付款、數據處理、收債或其他與公司業務運作有關的其他服務的第三方服務供應商或商業夥伴。該處可能沒有與《個人資料(私隱)條例》(香港法例第486章)大體上相似或達致與此條例的目的相同的目的之法律,客戶的個人資料未必可以獲得與在香港相同或類似程度的保障。
  8. 客戶同意貴公司可使用及或提供客戶的個人資料予第三者作直接促銷之用。客戶明白,如客戶在任何時間不欲貴公司將客戶的個人資料按私隱政策聲明所述用於直接促銷 、 或提供予其他人作直接促銷之用,客戶可行使客戶之拒絕權並按以下方式聯絡貴公司的資料保障主任 :

    Oyster Pie Solutions Limited – 資料保障主任
    電話:3893 9999     傳真:2598 8305
  9. 假若此申請不獲批核或批核之金額少於客戶現時申請之數額,客戶明白及同意公司之決定,而公司並不需要提出任何理由。客戶同意進一步提供公司認為與申請有關之資料及文件,並同意無論本申請批核與否,公司有權保留此申請表格及一切有關文件。
  10. 客戶之私人分期貸款申請獲得批准,客戶將不可撤回地要求並授權公司將所批准之貸款,轉賬至所指定的收款銀行賬戶。客戶同意及接受獲批核之貸款額及適用息率以公司最終批核為準,及客戶將按貸款之條款及細則繳付每月還款額、利息及任何有關的收費及費用。客戶亦同意公司保留絕對權利根據適用之營運守則隨時調整貸款息率、收費及費用,及其他條款及細則。
  11. 客戶聲明並確認本申請並不是由第三者轉介。如本申請是經第三者轉介,客戶明白公司將不會接受及處理本申請。
  12. 於互聯網上傳遞之訊息並不保證絕對保密。客戶明白倘因透過互聯網向公司傳送訊息,或要求公司透過互聯網向發出之訊息而有任何延誤、損失、變更、改動或訛誤,公司對因此而引致之任何損失概不負責。
  13. 客戶根據《電子交易條例》(香港法例第553章)第15條同意公司以電子紀錄或以電子方式向提供藉香港法律須以書面形式提供之資料(包括但不限於放債人條例(香港法例第163章))。
  14. 客戶確認已經細閱及明白申請表內所載述的所有聲明以及關於個人資料(私隱)條例及私隱政策聲明的通知,並同意受有關聲明通知約束。
Customer Declaration
  1. Customer hereby applies for the personal loan particularised above from Oyster Pie Solutions Limited (the“Company”). Customer confirms that the information given above is true and complete in every material respect and he understands and acknowledges that if he provides any false or incorrect information hereunder, he may commit criminal offences in relation to deception and/or providing false information under the laws of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. Customer authorises the Company to contact any necessary party for verification or further information at any time, including but without limitation to conduct credit checks on his credit information with any credit reference agency.
  2. Customer hereby further gives his consent to the Company that it may carry out matching procedures such as comparing data of him or other persons for credit checking or data verification, whether or not for the purpose of taking adverse action against him.
  3. Customer agrees that the Company may use information from any credit reference bureau or agency to compare against the data provided by him for credit checking and the Company may verify data by making use of the information provided by any credit reference bureau or agency. Customer agrees that his Loan account is subject to review from time to time and the Company may access his credit report from any credit reference bureau or agency to conduct such review.
  4. Customer confirms that no bankruptcy order is made against him and customer is neither in the process of petitioning for bankruptcy nor has any intention to do so. Customer hereby declares that he is solvent and no litigation or administrative proceedings are currently made or are pending against him.
  5. Customer understands that in the event of any default in payment, unless the amount in default is fully repaid before the expiry date of 60 days from the date such default occurred, he shall be liable to have his account data retained by the credit reference agency for a period of up to 5 years after repayment in full.
  6. Customer acknowledges and understands the contents of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance and agrees that all his personal data may be used by the Company in accordance with the provisions of the Ordinance. Customer authorises the Company to disclose all his personal data to any credit reference bureau or agency or entity which provides for recovery services, and he agrees that any of those entities may use such information in the course of their businesses. Customer shall be responsible for all costs and expenses which may be incurred by the Company for the purposes of appointing any of such entities on each occasion.   
  7. Customer understands that for the purposes of providing the loan to him, the Company may transfer his personal data outside of Hong Kong to the Company's agent, contractor, third party service provider or business partners which provides administrative, professional advisory, telecommunications, information service, computer, payment data processing, debt collection or other services to the Company, situated in the People's Republic of China and/or overseas, where there may not be data protection laws which are substantially similar to, or serve the same purposes as, the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap. 486, The Laws of Hong Kong) in place. That means that the customer's personal data may not be protected to the same or similar level as in Hong Kong.  
  8. Customer agrees that the Company may use his data and/or provide his data to other person(s) to conduct direct marketing of loan related-products or services. Customer understands that, at any time, if he does not wish the Company to use or provide to any other person any of his personal data for use in direct marketing as described in the Policy, he may exercise his opt-out right by contacting the Data Protection Officer of the Company at:

    Data Protection Officer – Oyster Pie Solutions Limited,
    Unit 1705A2, 17/F, Tower 1, Silvercord, 30 Canton Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong
    Telephone: 3893 9999     Facsimile: 2598 8305
  9. Customer understands and agrees that the Company reserves the sole right to decline this application or approve an amount less than that he has applied for without disclosing any reason. Customer agrees to provide further information and documentation in connection with this application, if deemed necessary by the Company. Customer also understands that this application, together with any other information provided, shall remain the Company's property whether or not this application is approved.
  10. Customer hereby irrevocably requests and authorises the Company to have the approved loan proceeds credited to his designated bank account if this application is successful. Customer agrees and accepts that the approved Loan amount and the applicable interest rate shall be subject to the final approval of the Company and he shall pay the monthly repayment amounts, interest, and any applicable fees and charges in accordance with the Loan terms and conditions. Customer also agrees that the Company reserves the sole right to adjust the Loan interest rate, fees, and charges, and the terms and conditions at any time in accordance with the applicable code of practice.
  11. Customer declares and confirms that he is not referred by a third party in relation to this application. Customer understands that the Company will not accept and proceed this application if it is referred by third party.
  12. Messages sent over the Internet cannot be guaranteed to be completely secure. Customer understands that the Company will not be responsible for any damages incurred as a result of any delay, loss, diversion, alteration or corruption of any message either sent to or received from the Company at his request, over the Internet. The Company is not responsible in any manner for direct, indirect, special or consequential damages arising out of the use of this website.
  13. Customer consents to being given any information by the Company in connection with this loan application in the form of electronic record or by electronic means pursuant to Section 15 of the Electronic Transactions Ordinance (Cap. 553, The Laws of Hong Kong), which information may be required to be given by the Company to him in writing pursuant to Hong Kong law, including but not limited to the Money Lenders Ordinance (Cap 163, The Laws of Hong Kong).
  14. Customer confirms that he has read and understood the Contents of the Declaration, the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance and the Privacy Policy Statement related to this loan application and agrees to be bound by the same.
查詢熱線/投訴熱線:3893 9999
Ⓒ2025 Oyster Pie Solutions Limited 版權所有
查詢熱線/投訴熱線:3893 9999

Ⓒ2025 Oyster Pie Solutions Limited 版權所有