
依從個人資料(私隱)條例 (下稱「條例」) ,Oyster Pie Solutions Limited(下稱「本公司」)現通知 貴客戶以下細則:
  1. 客戶在建立或延續本公司信貸便利、由本公司或其他財務機構提供財務服務、擔任擔保人、因法例規定或監管或其他管理機構所發出的指引時,需不時向本公司提供有關的資料(統稱「有關資料」)。
  2. 若未能向本公司提供有關資料,可能會導致本公司無法建立或延續信貸便利或提供財務服務或遵守法例規定或監管或其他管理機構所發出的指引。
  3. 本公司亦會在客戶與本公司的正常財務業務運作中收集客戶的資料。
  4. 客戶的資料可能會用於下列用途:

    1. 處理及考慮產品及服務的申請及提供產品、財務服務和信貸便利給客戶之日常運作;
    2. 在客戶申請信貸時進行的信貸調查,及每年進行一次或以上的定期或特別審查;
    3. 編制及維持本公司的信貸評分模式;
    4. 協助其他財務機構作信用檢查及債務追討;
    5. 確保客戶維持可靠信用;
    6. 設計為客戶使用的財務服務或有關產品;
    7. 推廣本公司及/或經挑選之公司的服務或產品;
    8. 計算本公司與客戶之間的債務;
    9. 執行客戶向本公司之應負責任,包括但不限於向客戶及為客戶的責任提供抵押的人士追收欠款;
    10. 本公司或其任何分行為履行任何對其有約束力的法例的規定而作出披露;或為依循及施行任何預期本公司或其任何分行會遵從的監管或其他機構所發出的指引而作出披露;
    11. 就於與本公司屬同一集團之公司內共用資料及資訊使用而指定的任何義務、要求、政策、程序、措施或安排,遵守與本公司屬同一集團之公司為符合制裁或預防或偵測清洗黑錢、恐怖分子融資活動或其他非法活動的任何方案;
    12. 使本公司的實在或建議承讓人,或本公司對客戶的權利的參與人或附屬參與人評核意圖成為轉讓、參與或附屬參與的交易;及
    13. 與上述有關的用途。
  5. 本公司會對其持有的客戶資料保密,但本公司可能會把有關資料提供給下述各方作第(4)段列出的用途:

    1. 任何代理人、承包人或向本公司提供行政、電訊、電腦、付款、證券結算、債務追討或其他與本公司業務運作有關的服務的第三方服務供應者;
    2. 任何對本公司有保密責任的人士,包括與本公司屬同一集團的其他已承諾保持有關資料保密的公司;
    3. 信貸資料服務機構;而在客戶欠賬時,則可將有關資料提供給收數公司;
    4. 本公司在根據對本公司具法律約束力的規定下或為依循及施行任何預期本公司會遵從的監管或其他機構所發出的指引而有責任對任何人作出披露;
    5. 本公司的任何實在或建議承讓人或就本公司對客戶的權利的參與人或附屬參與人或受讓人;及
    6. 經挑選之公司,用作知會客戶有關本公司相信該客戶會感興趣的服務。
  6. 就客戶(不論以借款人、按揭人或擔保人身分,以及不論以客戶本人單名或與其他人士聯名方式)於2011年4月1日當日或以後申請的按揭有關的資料,本公司可能會把下列客戶資料(包括不時更新任何下列資料的資料)以本公司及/或代理人的名義提供予信貸資料服務機構:

    1. 全名;
    2. 就每宗按揭的身分(即作為借款人、按揭人或擔保人,及以客戶本人單名或與其他人士聯名方式);
    3. 香港身分證號碼或旅遊證件號碼;
    4. 出生日期;
    5. 通訊地址;
    6. 就每宗按揭的按揭賬戶號碼;
    7. 就每宗按揭的信貸種類;
    8. 就每宗按揭的按揭賬戶狀況(如:生效、已結束、已撇賬(因破產令導致除外)、因破產令導致已撇賬);及
    9. 就每宗按揭的按揭賬戶結束日期(如適用)。

  7. 在直接促銷中使用資料


    1. 本公司可能不時把本公司持有的客戶姓名、聯絡資料用於直接促銷;
    2. 可用作促銷下列類別的服務、產品及促銷標的:
      1. 財務及貸款相關服務及產品;
      2. 奬賞、客戶或會員或優惠計劃及相關服務及產品。 

  8. 根據條例中的條款及根據條例核准發出的個人信貸資料實務守則,任何個人有權:

    1. 查核本公司是否持有其個人資料及有權查閱有關資料;
    2. 要求本公司改正任何有關其不準確的資料;
    3. 查明本公司對於資料的政策及慣例,並獲告知本公司持有的個人資料種類;
    4. 查詢並獲本公司回覆,例行向信貸資料服務機構或收數公司或其他公司披露的是那些個人資料,及獲本公司提供進一步資料,以便向有關信貸資料服務機構或收數公司或其他公司提出查閱和改正資料的要求;及
    5. 於悉數清償欠款而結束賬戶時,指示本公司要求該信貸資料服務機構,從資料庫刪除本公司曾經提供的賬戶資料,(為免生疑問,包括任何賬戶還款資料),惟是項指示須於結束賬戶後5年內提出,而該賬戶在緊接結束之前5年內,並無拖欠超過60天的紀錄。賬戶還款資料包括上次到期的還款額,上次報告期間(即緊接本公司上次向信貸資料服務機構提供賬戶資料前不多於31日的期間)所作還款額,剩餘可用信貸額或未償還數額及欠款資料(即過期欠款額及逾期還款日數,清還過期欠款日期,及全數清還拖欠為期超過60日的欠款的日期(如有))。 
  9. 如賬戶出現任何拖欠還款情況,除非拖欠金額在由拖欠日期起計 60 日屆滿前全 數清還或已撇賬(因破產令導致撇賬除外),否則賬戶還款資料(定義見以上第(8)( v)段)會在全數清還該拖欠還款後被信貸資料服務機構繼續保留多 5 年。
  10. 如客戶因被頒布破產令而導致任何賬戶金額被撇賬,不論賬戶還款資料有否顯示任何拖欠為期超過60日的還款,該賬戶還款資料(定義見以上第(8)(v)段)會在全數清還該拖欠還款後被信貸資料服務機構繼續保留多5年,或由客戶提出證據通知信貸資料服務機構其已獲解除破產令後保留多5年(以較早出現的情況為準)。
  11. 根據條例的條款,本公司有權就處理任何查閱資料的要求收取合理費用。
  12. 任何關於查閱或改正資料,或索取關於本公司的私隱政策聲明或所持有的資料種類的要求,應向下列人士提出:

    Oyster Pie Solutions Limited – 資料保障主任
    電話:3893 9999 傳真:2598 8305
  13. 本公司在批核信貸申請時,可能參考由信貸資料服務機構提供有關客戶的信貸報告。假如客戶有意索取有關報告,可要求本公司提供有關信貸資料服務機構的聯絡詳情。
  14. 客戶可隨時向本公司要求停止使用其個人資料於直接促銷活動,有關要求可根據第(12)段的地址或傳真號碼向本公司之資料保障主任提出。
  15. 本公司在結束賬戶/終止服務後會繼續持有有關客戶的資料7年或按照有關法律所規定的期限。
  16. 本聲明不會限制客戶在條例下所享有的權利。
Personal Information Collection (Customers) Statement

In compliance with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (the “Ordinance"), Oyster Pie Solutions Limited (the “Company") would like to inform you of the following:
  1. From time to time, it is necessary for customers to supply the Company with data in connection with various matters such as the establishment or continuation of credit facilities, the provision of financial services by the Company or other financial institutions, the acting as a Guarantor, or compliance with any laws or guidelines issued by regulatory or other authorities. (Such information is collectively referred to "Data" in this notice)
  2. Failure to supply such data may result in the Company being unable to establish or continue providing credit facilities, provide financial services, or comply with any laws or guidelines by regulatory or other authorities.
  3. It is also the case that data are collected from customers in the ordinary course of a business relationship.
  4. The purposes for which data relating to a customer may be used are as follows:

    1. processing and considering applications for products and services and the daily operation of the products, financial services and credit facilities provided to customers;
    2. conducting credit checks at the time of application for credit and at the time of regular or special reviews which normally will take place one or more times each year;
    3. creating and maintaining the Company's credit scoring models;
    4. assisting other financial institutions to conduct credit checks and collect debts;
    5. ensuring ongoing credit worthiness of customers;
    6. designing financial services or related products for customers' use;
    7. marketing services or products of the Company and/or selected companies;
    8. determining amounts owed to or by customers;
    9. enforcing customers' obligations, including but not limited to the collection of amounts outstanding from customers and those providing security for customers' obligations;
    10. meeting the requirements to make disclosure under the requirements of any law binding on the Company or any of its branches, and for the purposes of any guidelines issued by regulatory or other authorities with which the Company or any of its branches are expected to comply;
    11. complying with any obligations, requirements, policies, procedures, measures or arrangements for sharing data and information within the same group of the Company for compliance with sanctions or prevention or detection of money laundering, terrorist financing or other unlawful activities;
    12. enabling an actual or proposed assignee of the Company, or participant or sub-participant of the Company's rights in respect of the customer to evaluate the transaction intended to be the subject of the assignment, participation or sub-participation; and
    13. purposes relating thereto.
  5. Data held by the Company relating to a customer will be kept confidential but the Company may provide such information to the following parties for the purposes set out in paragraph (4):

    1. any agent, contractor or third-party service provider who provides administrative, telecommunications, computer, payment or securities clearing or debt collection or other services to the Company in connection with the operation of its business;
    2. any other person under a duty of confidentiality to the Company including a company within the same group of the Company which has undertaken to keep such information confidential;
    3. credit reference agencies, and, in the event of default, to debt collection agencies;
    4. any person to whom the Company is under an obligation to make disclosure under the requirements of any law binding on the Company, and for the purposes of any guidelines issued by regulatory or other authorities with which the Company is expected to comply;
    5. any actual or proposed assignee of the Company or participant or sub-participant or transferee of the Company's rights in respect of the customer; and
    6. selected companies for the purpose of informing customers of services which the Company believes will be of interest to customers.
  6. With respect to data in connection with mortgages applied by a customer (whether as a borrower, mortgagor or guarantor and whether in the customer’s sole name or in joint names with others) on or after 1 April 2011, the following data relating to the customer (including any updated data of any of the following data from time to time) may be provided by the Company, on its own behalf and/or as agent, to a credit reference agency:

    1. full name;
    2. capacity in respect of each mortgage (as borrower, mortgagor or guarantor, and whether in the customer’s sole name or in joint names with others);
    3. Hong Kong Identity Card Number or travel document number;
    4. date of birth;
    5. correspondence address;
    6. mortgage account number in respect of each mortgage;
    7. type of the facility in respect of each mortgage;
    8. mortgage account status in respect of each mortgage (e.g., active, closed, write-off (other than due to a bankruptcy order), write-off due to a bankruptcy order); and
    9. if any, mortgage account closed date in respect of each mortgage. The credit reference agency will use the above data supplied by the Company for the purposes of compiling a count of the number of mortgages from time to time held by the customer with credit providers in Hong Kong, as borrower, mortgagor or guarantor respectively and whether in the customer’s sole name or in joint names with others, for sharing in the consumer credit database of the credit reference agency by credit providers (subject to the requirements of the Code of Practice on Consumer Credit Data approved and issued under the Ordinance).
  7. Use of Data in Direct Marketing

    The Company intends to use a customer's data in direct marketing and the Company requires the customer's consent (which includes an indication of no objection) for that purpose. In connection with this, please note that:

    1. the name and contact details of a customer held by the Company from time to time may be used by the Company in direct marketing;
    2. the following classes of services, products and subjects may be marketed:
      1. financial and loan related services and products;
      2. reward, loyalty or privileges programmes and related services and products. 
    If a customer does not wish the Company to use his data in direct marketing as described above, the customer may exercise his opt-out right by notifying the Company.
    A Customer may provide his consent for the Company to use his data for use in direct marketing as described above by notifying the Data Protection Officer of the Company (Please see contact details in paragraph (12) below).
  8. Under and in accordance with the terms of the Ordinance and the Code of Practice on Consumer Credit Data approved and issued under the Ordinance, any individual has the right:

    1. to check whether the Company holds data about him and of access to such data;
    2. to require the Company to correct any data relating to him which is inaccurate;
    3. to ascertain the Company's policies and practices in relation to data and to be informed of the kind of personal data held by the Company;
    4. to be informed on request which items of data are routinely disclosed to credit reference agencies or debt collection agencies or other companies, and be provided with further information to enable the making of a data access and correction request to the relevant credit reference agency or debt collection agency or other companies; and
    5. in relation to account data (including, for the avoidance of doubt, any account repayment data) which has been provided by the Company to a credit reference agency, to instruct the Company upon termination of an account by full repayment to make a request to the credit reference agency to delete such data from its database, as long as the instruction is given within five years of termination and at no time did the account have a default of payment lasting in excess of 60 days within five years immediately before account termination. Account repayment data includes amount last due, amount of payment made during the last reporting period (being a period not exceeding 31 days immediately preceding the last contribution of account data by the Company to a credit reference agency), remaining available credit or outstanding balance and default data (being amount past due and number of days past due, date of settlement of amount past due, and date of final settlement of amount in default lasting in excess of 60 days (if any)).
  9. In the event of any default of payment relating to an account, unless the amount in default is fully repaid or written off (other than due to a bankruptcy order) before the expiry of 60 days from the date such default occurred, the account repayment data (as defined in paragraph (8)(v) above) may be retained by the credit reference agency until the expiry of five years from the date of final settlement of the amount in default.
  10. In the event of any amount in an account is written-off due to a bankruptcy order being made against a customer, the account repayment data (as defined in paragraph (8)(v) above) may be retained by the credit reference agency, regardless of whether the account repayment data reveal any default of payment lasting in excess or 60 days, until the expiry of 5 years from the date of final settlement of the amount in default or the expiry of five years from the date of discharge from a bankruptcy as notified by the customer with evidence to the credit reference agency, whichever is earlier.
  11. In accordance with the terms of the Ordinance, the Company has the right to charge a reasonable fee for the processing of any data access request.
  12. The person to whom requests for access to data or correction of data or for information regarding the Company's Privacy Policy Statement and kinds of data held are to be addressed is as follows:

    Data Protection Officer – Oyster Pie Solutions Limited,
    Unit 1705A2, 17/F, Tower 1, Silvercord, 30 Canton Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong.
    Telephone: 3893 9999 Facsimile: 2598 8305
  13. The Company may have obtained a credit report on the customer from a credit reference agency in considering any application for credit. In the event the customer wishes to access the credit report, the Company will advise the contact details of the relevant credit reference agency.
  14. Customers may, at any time, request the Company to cease using their personal data for direct marketing purposes by writing to the Data Protection Officer at the address or fax number provided in paragraph (12).
  15. After closure of account/termination of service, the Company shall continue to hold data relating to the customer(s) for a period of seven years or such other period as prescribed by applicable laws and regulations.
  16. Nothing in this Statement shall limit the rights of customers under the Ordinance.
(If there is any conflict between the English version and the Chinese version of these General Terms and Conditions, the English version shall prevail.)
查詢熱線/投訴熱線:3893 9999
Ⓒ2025 Oyster Pie Solutions Limited 版權所有
查詢熱線/投訴熱線:3893 9999

Ⓒ2025 Oyster Pie Solutions Limited 版權所有